Lilac Blue Gradient

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Easy-to-use Development Platform for Building Secure IoT Solutions

Complete Threat Protection for IoT Devices, User Apps and Cloud Services


Our user-friendly platform significantly accelerates the development of embedded software and ensures the security of your entire IoT solution.

Simple SDKs enable you to enhance your devices, mobile, and web applications with top-tier IoT security easily, significantly cutting the time and expense associated with adapting firmware applications and switching between different SoCs, OSs, and connectivity options.

A reusable CI/CD build pipeline streamlines your software delivery process by automating it. The platform's cloud-agnostic support allows you to choose your preferred provider, including AWS IoT, Azure IoT, and others. It offers unparalleled Zero-Trust 2.0 security to guard against emerging threats such as insider attacks, ransomware, and supply chain vulnerabilities.

Manage devices, services, and security more efficiently with advanced Zero-Touch 2.0 automation features for streamlined operations.

What We Offer

IOT Security Solutions

Embedded Security 2.0

Zero Trust 2.0

Embedded Security

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Zero Trust 2.0

Unrivaled security protects device’s supply chain and access control to a device and its data by taking advantage of secure enclave and blockchain technology. Eliminates a new generation of threats like supply chain attacks, ransomware and insider threats.

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Zero Touch 2.0

Fully automates and protects device, service and security management processes by taking advantage of secure enclave and blockchain technology. Streamlines the administrative experience while also eliminating single-points of attack present in other solutions.

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Automated Detection & Response

Automates device security self-monitoring / self-response by taking advantage of secure enclave and blockchain technology. Automated actions can range from simple event logging & notification all the way up to granular suspension of device telemetry and actuation.

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Automated Recovery

Fully automates the security recovery process from simple device crypto key regeneration all the way up to automated CI/CD pipeline and push-button authorization to trigger the FOTA update process.

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Combat Chip Shortage

Enables you to develop a single device firmware application that works with multiple CI/CD build recipes to efficiently add supply chain multi-sourcing and low-cost product maintenance to your production strategy.

Supply Chain Protection

Partnered with authorized secure chip flashers to provide you with security certified SoCs and anti-cloning protection against firmware IP theft. Our security cloud will then verify that your product is using only trusted SoCs and authorized firmware.

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Chip & Cloud Agnostic

Platform can be used to prevent vendor lock-in by making it easy to select the right SoC on a project-by-project basis and the right IoT Cloud Service on a software release-by-release basis.

Fast Track to Security Certification

Solution is pre-certified as a fast-track to UL’s Security IoT Component Qualification and other IoT certification programs. Solution also takes advantage of SoCs that are Arm PSA and/or SESIP security certified.

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Scalable Security

We perform performance and scalability tests on each SDK release and cloud service update. Our solution is designed for rapid scalability and can support a virtually unlimited number of IoT devices.

The OEM Process

Product Definition

Develop user needs & product functions at this stage that can be easily translated into user roles and access control rules in later stages.

Requirements Definition

Define functional and performance requirements up front that can be easily confirmed during prototyping. Decide on regulatory and compliance requirements for your vertical. Decide whether to multi-source key components to minimize downstream supply chain risks.


Continue using the CI/CD pipeline and automated testing to ensure there is no performance or quality regression on submitted change proposals.

Concept Design

Make technology selection decisions like SoC and cloud service up-front knowing that our platform makes it easy for you to change your mind without incurring large costs or delays. You can also fast-track security certifications since our platform exceeds most security requirements out-of-the-box.

Design Process

Streamline your design workflow and component integration by using our easy-to-use Platform and Software Development Kits (PDK/SDK). Get your solution up and running using turnkey capabilities for provisioning devices & services and managing communications & security.


Work with our authorized flashing partners to create security-certified SoCs and to protect against firmware IP theft, all without the logistical cost & complexity of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs).

Proof of Concept

Use our mobile, web and device SDKs to quickly create a functioning mock-up that brings your product vision to life. This helps you achieve early project momentum and build confidence with key stakeholders.


Use our PDK to do rapid bring-up of the Board Support Package and our SDKs to develop and refine your device, mobile, web and cloud applications. Extend the reference DevOps CI/CD pipeline with automated test cases in order to optimize develop-build-test cycle times.

Product Operation

Fully automate your security recovery policies with automated features like Device & User crypto key regeneration and push-button firmware-release authorization to trigger the FOTA update process.

Lilac Blue Gradient

Talk To Us

Feel free to call, email, or hit us up on our social media accounts.





71 Judson Street Unit - B Toronto M8Z 1A4